wire extension

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wire extension
wire extension

wire extension

ART: MSI-06-8576
PRICE: on contact
COLOR: silver
SIZE: 16x9cm

wire extension

Boehler traction bows, to           Boehler traction               Inside           For

be used with STEINMANN           bows, to be used             width

pins, 4mm diam                        with STEINMANN

                                               pins, 5mm diam

06-8576 with pin (09-8588)                                               16x9cm          Arm

06-8577 without pin                   06-8582 without pin

06-8578 with pin (09-8590)                                               21x11cm        Femur and knee

06-8579 without pin                   06-8583 without pin

06-8580 with pin (09-8592)                                               21x15em        Femur and knee

06-8581 without pin

Size : --